Kamis, 26 Juli 2012
Berupa kotak tegangan listirik yang menempel pada bagian belakang setiap CPU Komputer dan memiliki kabel power yang akan disambungkan ke komponen hardware yang ada di dalam CPU. Power supply ini juga memasok listrik energi untuk satu atau lebih beban energi.
- Mengubah tegangan AC menjadi DC
- Menyuplai tegangan listrik DC ke komponen yang membutuhkan arus dan tegangan pada motherboard.
- Mengendalikan arus listrik/tegangan agar tetap terjaga.
Pemberitahuan masalah yang terjadi sering dianggap sebagai masalah yang disebabkan oleh komponen hardware berupa memori, VGA card, atau motherboard tanpa menyangka kesalahan terjadi pada powersupply yang kita gunakan. Berikut ini contoh masalah yang terjadi:
+ Komputer me-restart sendiri saat system sedang bekerja.
+ Komputer mati setelah beberapa saat dioperasikan.
+ Intermittent parity check atau other memory-type errors.
+ Harddisk dan kipas angin sec. serentak tidak berputar.
+ Goncangan elektrik dirasakan pada casing atau konektor
+ Power-on atau system startup failure atau lockups
+ Terkadang booting sendiri sec. spontan lockups selama operasi normal.
+ Sistem sepenuhnya mati.
Berbentuk papan (board) elektronik utama yang mempunyai beberapa slot individual yang bisa dipasangkan untuk board lain, mulai dari prosesor, memori, sound card, display adapter, dan sebagainya. Di antara slot pada mother board, terdapat slot yang khusus digunakan untuk pemasangan prosesor yang dinamakan soket dan slot 1. Motherboard memiliki beberapa jenis soket yang berbeda-beda, sesuai dengan perkembangan jenis prosesor.
- Tempat meletakkan atau memasang berbagai komponen, misalnya prosesor,memori,sound card, vga card, dsb.
- Media transfer data dari komponen yang bekerja di dalam komputer.
- Mengatur daya listrik pada setiap komponen pada motherboard
Minggu, 25 Maret 2012
Perkembangan Islam Abad Pertengahan
Sudah menjadi sunatullah bagi manusia sebagai hamba Allah
dimuka bumi yang memiliki sifat-sifat kelebihan dan kekurangan, tidak hanya
terjadi terhadap manusia saja bahkan kepada makhluk yang lain pun seperti itu.
Islam sebagai agama Tuhan yang diturunkan kemuka bumi lewat orang-orang yang
dipercaya keshalihannya oleh Tuhan untuk disebarkan di muka bumi dengan tujuan
supaya manusia kembali kefitrahnya sebagai makhluk yang menghamba kepadaNya.
Islam pertama kali muncul yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW
sangat menarik dan santun sehingga banyak orang yang berbondong-bondong masuk
Islam (QS: 110: 2), ketika Islam dipimpin para khalifah yang empat, islam
mengalami perluasan-perluasan wilayah, sehingga Islam tidak hanya dianut oleh
orang-orang arab dan sekitarnya. Sepeninggalnya para khalifah yang empat Islam
dipimpin dinasti umayah yang berfokus pada pembenahan administrasi Negara.
Sedangkan ketika dinasti abbasiyah maju sebagai pimpinan,
Islam mengalami kemajuan-kemajuan dalam bidang sains dan teknologi yang
diambilkan dari al-Quran yang berkaiatan dengan ayat-ayat kauniyah (alam
semesta) yang dipadukan dengan filsafat yunani. Tetapi setelah beberapa abad
lamanya Islam mengalami kemunduran sehingga tradisi keilmuan pindah ke negeri
Dalam garis besarnya sejarah Islam dapat dibagi ke dalam tiga
periode besar:
1. Periode klasik (650-1250 M) yang terdiri dari dua fase :
- Fase ekspansi, integrasi, dan puncak kemajuan (650-1000 M)
- Fase disintegrasi (1000-1250 M)
2. Periode pertengahan (1250-1800 M) dibagi ke dalam dua fase
- Fase kemunduran (1250-1500 M)
- Fase tiga kerajaan besar (1500-1800 M)
3. Periode modern (1800-seterusnya)
Ada periodisasi yang dikemukakan oleh Marshall Hodgson, yang
dikutip oleh Syafiq A. Mughni. Ia membagi sejarah Islam ke dalam tiga masa :
1. Klasik (abad ke 7-10)
2. Pertengahan (abad ke 10-15)
3. Modern (abad ke 16-20)
Oleh karena itu penulis akan lebih spesifik dalam
mengeksplorasi kemajuan dan kemunduran islam yang digambarkan sepintas diatas
pada periode klasik (650-1000 M), dan periode pertengahan (1250-1500 M) sebagai
fase kemunduran.
(650-1000 M)
Ada beberapa langkah-langkah awal yang dilakukan oleh pendiri
khalifah Abbasiyah dalam menata pemerintahannya. Salah satunya adalah melakukan
penataan internal dan eksternal. Dibidang internal Abbasiyah membangun ibu kota
baru, menata sumber penghasilan Negara, membentuk Biro – Biro, Membangun sistem
organisasi militer, menciptakan administrasi wilayah pemerintahan dan
Jumat, 16 Maret 2012
Inilah 10 Koleksi Kata-Kata Mutiara yang Membuat Anda Lebih Bersyukur dan Menikmati Hidup (Seri Keempat
Jika sebelumnya anda sudah mengkoleksi kata kata mutiara semangat, kata bijak motivasi, dan kata kata inspirasi motivasisekarang koleksi kata-kata pengobar semangat anda bakal bertambah.
Posting spesial kata mutiara edisi koleksi ini berisi 10 kata mutiara bertema syukur dan menikmati hidup. Lewat kata kata mutiara motivasi diharapkan kita semua bisa lebih menikmati kehidupan ini dengan selalu bersyukur. Silakan dinikmati.
- Saya selalu bersyukur atas kehidupan yang begitu indah ini. Di sela-selaACTION yang saya lakukan, ucapan syukur tak henti-henti saya ucapkan sebagai bentuk terimakasih atas begitu besar dan melimpah nikmat yang telah saya terima.
- Pikiran saya ibarat taman berisikan bunga-bunga bermekaran yang semerbak mewangi, elok rupanya, dan disukai banyak orang. Di taman pikiran saya, hanya tertanam hal-hal positif yang memberi manfaat dan menyebarkan kebaikan bagi orang banyak.
- Saya sangat bersyukur dianugerahi kesehatan yang membuat saya sanggup berpikir secara jernih dan mengajak orang-orang lain menuju arah yang lebih baik.
- Saya tidak akan pernah menunda mengucap syukur dan terima kasih. Karena kita tidak akan pernah tahu berapa lama lagi hidup di dunia ini. Maka, sekarang juga saya ucapkan syukur atas segala nikmat yang telah saya rasakan.
- Saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada siapa saja yang membantu saya menyuntikkan semangat menjalani kehidupan ini. Berkat semangat yang berkobar ini, saya mantap menatap masa depan yang lebih berarti.
- Saya percaya selalu ada harapan yang lebih baik di depan sana. Asal kita tidak pernah berhenti untuk berusaha, bersyukur, dan dilandasi doa.
- Saya belajar bersyukur dengan menerima apapun yang saya alami hari ini.Rasa syukur membuat pikiran saya lebih jernih dan hati tentram-bahagia.
- Setiap rasa syukur dan terimakasih terlontar, diri saya kembali ke titik nol. Situasi yang saya rasakan begitu damai dan plong.
- Saya bersyukur bukan saja untuk segala hal yang telah saya miliki dan rasakan selama ini, namun juga untuk segala hal negatif yang selama ini memang tidak pernah saya harapkan datang.
- Saya selalu memperbaiki kualitas diri saya dengan mengucapkan rasa syukur pada-Nya. Saya juga membiasakan diri mengucap terimakasih pada orang-orang sebagai bentuk apresiasi tulus saya pada mereka.
Semoga koleksi kata kata mutiara ini dapat bermanfaat untuk mengingatkan kita semua untuk selalu bersyukur. Silakan disimpan dan dibaca saat anda perlukan. Semoga bermanfaat.
Senin, 12 Maret 2012
Netcut 2.1.1 and Netcut-Defender 2.1.1
In short With 2.1.1, netcut. are so much more powerful than 2.0.9 it truly works in all network environment. including WI-FI, super fast see result. less than seconds detect WIFI now and with Status report.100% accurate catch.
Enhenced CUT off stragy. netcut now 100% ensure it off when testing kicking off network resource unwelcomed users.
With 2.1.1 Working perfectly under WI-FI, netcut took around 30 seconds or more before it can cut off. now it's less than 5 seconds. Super fast detect network type. wait less than 5 seconds before you can test CUT OFF now. Before it was 30 seconds to 2 minutes before you can run CUT off in WIFI network.
No need configuration. no network knowledge required. no need to know any thing about your network. just run and enjoy the safe network.
Arcai.com's NetCut Defender
The one tool only that can 100% guaranteed success protect you and your user away from arcai.com's netcut cut (or alike) ARP SPOOFIng.
It's a free tool offered by arcai.com to keep your network's (including WIFI) internet speed super fast. protect your PC from ARP spoofing attack. typically arp spoofing from netCut 100% guaranteed internet connection speed stay fast.
Protect all your network connections including WIFI in one place.
No setup configuration required. zero network knowledge required. install / run and forget about it. oh, maybe one thing will remind you, "how in the world my WIFI/network could run so fast".
With this free little tool, now you can safely browse at free WIFI internet at mcdonalds or starbucks.It also come with a internet speed testing check . a Mac address Brand checker
Arcai.com's NetCut-Defender can do :
Enhenced CUT off stragy. netcut now 100% ensure it off when testing kicking off network resource unwelcomed users.
With 2.1.1 Working perfectly under WI-FI, netcut took around 30 seconds or more before it can cut off. now it's less than 5 seconds. Super fast detect network type. wait less than 5 seconds before you can test CUT OFF now. Before it was 30 seconds to 2 minutes before you can run CUT off in WIFI network.
No need configuration. no network knowledge required. no need to know any thing about your network. just run and enjoy the safe network.
Arcai.com's NetCut Defender
The one tool only that can 100% guaranteed success protect you and your user away from arcai.com's netcut cut (or alike) ARP SPOOFIng.
It's a free tool offered by arcai.com to keep your network's (including WIFI) internet speed super fast. protect your PC from ARP spoofing attack. typically arp spoofing from netCut 100% guaranteed internet connection speed stay fast.
Protect all your network connections including WIFI in one place.
No setup configuration required. zero network knowledge required. install / run and forget about it. oh, maybe one thing will remind you, "how in the world my WIFI/network could run so fast".
With this free little tool, now you can safely browse at free WIFI internet at mcdonalds or starbucks.It also come with a internet speed testing check . a Mac address Brand checker
Arcai.com's NetCut-Defender can do :
- Easy to use,Automaticly protect all network of your PC away from Netcut cut off. or any other ARP spoofing.
- Fast,Ensure Internet Gateway address spoof proof.
- Safe, worry free. 24x7 running automaticly.
- No need configuration. no network knowledge required. no need to know any thing about your network. just run and enjoy the safe network.
System Requirement :
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 32bit or 64 bit
Supported Operating System :
Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
System Requirement :
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 32bit or 64 bit
Supported Operating System :
Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Wooweb Pro 4.49
Router Software for Professional Internet Sharing with High Connection Filtering and Bandwith Management WOOWEB-PRO is a router and firewall software providing a solution at the corporate level for outgoing and incoming Internet access. It runs in any PC on Windows 2000/XP/Vista and supports the most popular Internet connection types such as routers, cable modems, ADSL modems (PPPoE, USB PPPoA), analog or ISDN modems.
* Dapat mendukung sampai dengan 16 koneksi internet secara simultan dalam mode dedicated, load balancing, maupun fail-over.
* Mendukung berbagai macam dan jenis koneksi seperti Cable, Dial-Up, PPPoE, Cellular (3G/HSDPA/CDMA/EVDO), dll.
* Sebagai pengganti hardware router yang handal dan dapat dijalankan pada OS berbasis Windows (2000/XP/Vista)
* Per-user bandwidth management
* Routing table
* Site filtering based on keyword and content categories with Orange Filter Option.
Fiturnya memang tidak terlalu banyak, sehingga secara umum penggunaan dan konfigurasinya sangat mudah dan simple. Karena mungkin memang di design untuk pengguna rumahan bukan warnet atau corporate...
FAQ , Tips, Other...
Software ini sudah ditest dan bekerja dengan baik.
Koneksi yang gw gunakan untuk testing:
1. Telkomsel (Dial-Up) + Speedy (Dial-up PPPoE)
2. Telkomsel (Dial-Up) + Speedy (LAN - DHCP)
3. Telkomsel (Dial-Up) + Smart (Dial-Up)
Q: Cuma punya 1 koneksi aja, bisa gunakan software ini?
A: Bisa aja, kalau untuk sekedar sharing koneksi internet aja.
Q: Kenapa gak coba sekaligus 3 koneksi (Speedy + Tsel + Smart)?
A: Kebetulan gak ada duitnya gan...
Q: Bisa running di Windows 7?
A: Kemungkinan bisa, cuman belum dicoba.
Tips: Ada baiknya koneksi yang paling stabil sebagi primary connection.
* Dapat mendukung sampai dengan 16 koneksi internet secara simultan dalam mode dedicated, load balancing, maupun fail-over.
* Mendukung berbagai macam dan jenis koneksi seperti Cable, Dial-Up, PPPoE, Cellular (3G/HSDPA/CDMA/EVDO), dll.
* Sebagai pengganti hardware router yang handal dan dapat dijalankan pada OS berbasis Windows (2000/XP/Vista)
* Per-user bandwidth management
* Routing table
* Site filtering based on keyword and content categories with Orange Filter Option.
Fiturnya memang tidak terlalu banyak, sehingga secara umum penggunaan dan konfigurasinya sangat mudah dan simple. Karena mungkin memang di design untuk pengguna rumahan bukan warnet atau corporate...
FAQ , Tips, Other...
Software ini sudah ditest dan bekerja dengan baik.
Koneksi yang gw gunakan untuk testing:
1. Telkomsel (Dial-Up) + Speedy (Dial-up PPPoE)
2. Telkomsel (Dial-Up) + Speedy (LAN - DHCP)
3. Telkomsel (Dial-Up) + Smart (Dial-Up)
Q: Cuma punya 1 koneksi aja, bisa gunakan software ini?
A: Bisa aja, kalau untuk sekedar sharing koneksi internet aja.
Q: Kenapa gak coba sekaligus 3 koneksi (Speedy + Tsel + Smart)?
A: Kebetulan gak ada duitnya gan...
Q: Bisa running di Windows 7?
A: Kemungkinan bisa, cuman belum dicoba.
Tips: Ada baiknya koneksi yang paling stabil sebagi primary connection.
Maxprog MaxBulk Mailer Pro v8.3.5
Maxprog MaxBulk Mailer Pro v8.3.5 | 6.8 Mb
MaxBulk Mailer - a full featured software for composing and sending emails. With this program, you can send customized press releases, price lists and any text or HTML document to its customers. The program is distinguished performance, ease of setup and use. Allows you to work both in text format, and HTML, which allows to stylize the text of the document, and also has full support for file attachments in messages.
Key Features :
Features of the professional version :
Key Features :
- Sending letters to format text / HTML with the assurance that the recipient's mail will look like on your computer.
- Support "Drag" the mouse when working with lists of recipients and text lists.
- Convenient features imports and exports addresses, user-friendly program.
- Improved handling of user lists, processing clipboard.
- Convenient features text formatting.
- Preview function before submitting.
- Full support for international characters (36 different encodings).
- Support for multiple mail accounts.
- Permanent title X-Mailer SMTP, to avoid the possibility of sending spam.
- Application Support. (Base64, UUEncode, BinHex, AppleSingle and AppleDouble)
- Complete control, thanks to SMTP log file.
- Full support for POP, APOP and ESMTP authentication.
- Letters can be sent at the same time, by groups, as well as individualized, through the use of tags.
- Individual labels to personalize letters
- The scheduler dispatches (Phased delivery of letters)
Features of the professional version :
- Support for styled text - bold, italic, underline, color, font selection ...
- The use of conditional expressions, depending on the values of tags.
- 20 additional labels for a more accurate identification.
- Processing of tags in the subject line.
- Tag 13 different formats of time - full date, short date, cut date ...
- The possibility of simplified selection / deselection of the recipients on their grounds.
- Recipients directly from Filemaker (Mac OS).
- Full support for Applescript (Mac OS).
- Manager hyperlink. Allows you to add a hyperlink with a click.
- Full support for databases, mySQL and postgreSQL.
- Supports secure connections SSL.
- Ability to use multiple servers.
- Support for fields "Copy" and "Bcc".
WirelessMon Pro 2.0.1013
WirelessMon Pro 2.0.1013 | 1.97 Mb
WirelessMon is a software tool that allows users to monitor the status of wireless WiFi adapter(s) and gather information about nearby wireless access points and hot spots in real time. WirelessMon can log the information it collects into a file,
while also providing comprehensive graphing of signal level and real time IP and 802.11 WiFi statistics.Verify 802.11 network configuration is correct, Test WiFi hardware and device drivers are functioning correctly.
Check signal levels from your local WiFi network and nearby networks* Help locate sources of interference to your network Scan for hot spots in your local area. Create signal strength maps of an area.
GPS support for logging and mapping signal strength, Correctly locate your wireless antenna. Verify the security settings for local access points, Measure network speed & throughput and view available data rates* Help check Wifi network coverage and range.
while also providing comprehensive graphing of signal level and real time IP and 802.11 WiFi statistics.Verify 802.11 network configuration is correct, Test WiFi hardware and device drivers are functioning correctly.
Check signal levels from your local WiFi network and nearby networks* Help locate sources of interference to your network Scan for hot spots in your local area. Create signal strength maps of an area.
GPS support for logging and mapping signal strength, Correctly locate your wireless antenna. Verify the security settings for local access points, Measure network speed & throughput and view available data rates* Help check Wifi network coverage and range.
Flash Player Pro v5.0 Full
Flash Player Pro v5.0 Full | 7.97 Mb
Flash Player Pro is a program that lets you play video files in the SWF or EXE format. Flash Player Pro is a handy flash tool kit designed as Adobe flash player and manager .
It has several powerful flash tools: download flash movies from the Internet, preview and browse flash movie, capture flash image and set it as wallpaper, create flash screensaver with ease, make conversion between SWF and EXE flash movies etc.
All of these features will help you enhance and extend the using possibility of existing flash files. And with friendly user interface, Flash Player Pro offers you a fantastic animated flash world!
Key features of Flash Player Pro :
It has several powerful flash tools: download flash movies from the Internet, preview and browse flash movie, capture flash image and set it as wallpaper, create flash screensaver with ease, make conversion between SWF and EXE flash movies etc.
All of these features will help you enhance and extend the using possibility of existing flash files. And with friendly user interface, Flash Player Pro offers you a fantastic animated flash world!
Key features of Flash Player Pro :
- Download flash movies from the Internet
- Browse Adobe flash movies with built-in swf player.
- View or play flash movies with built-in player.
- View or play movies in full screen model.
- Make flash screensaver with a few mouse-click.
- Make flash screensaver installer and distribute it with ease.
- Capture flash movie image and save it.
- Capture flash movie image and set wallpaper.
- Build your own favorite folder, and browse flash movies in it.
- Make conversion between SWF and EXE flash movies.
- Copy or move flash movies to another folder.
- Rename flash movies.
- Connect with .swf file extension
Jaksta Streaming Media Recorder v4.3.2
Jaksta Streaming Media Recorder v4.3.2 | 8.18 Mb
Downloading has never been simpler! Once monitoring Jaksta will detect and begin to download (and convert if required) any video music radio stream or Flash game or presentation that is played in your browser.
Jaksta supports the largest number of streaming protocols available in a downloader today. There is no need to even continue to play the stream in your browser. Jaksta creates its own connection where possible and leaves you to continue browsing.
Where Jaksta detects secured streams it will record the stream as it plays in your browser. This ensures you comply with any copy protection mechanisms a site has employed.
Why choose Jaksta as your video and music downloader :
Downloading has never been faster and simpler!
Just play your media and Jaksta downloads any video music or radio that is played in your browser.
The fastest HTTP Streaming Media Recorder
Jaksta can download from supported HTTP sites at up to 10x normal download speeds depending upon your network connection and the capacity of the servers streaming the media.
Automatic conversions :
Select the format you wish to convert your videos and music into from the main screen. Once a video or audio file is downloaded it gets converted for you automatically. You can save to AVI MPEG-4 WMV. MP3 or formats specific to iPhone iPad Apple TV and many other devices.
Finding music video and radio streams has never been easier!
With a single click search thousands of video music and online radio sites to find the streams you are looking for and then download and convert them.
Jaksta is browser independent
Jaksta works great with Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Opera or any other browser and does not slow down your connection speed.Jaksta is The Best Supported Downloader!
Jaksta supports the largest number of streaming protocols available in a downloader today. There is no need to even continue to play the stream in your browser. Jaksta creates its own connection where possible and leaves you to continue browsing.
Where Jaksta detects secured streams it will record the stream as it plays in your browser. This ensures you comply with any copy protection mechanisms a site has employed.
Why choose Jaksta as your video and music downloader :
Downloading has never been faster and simpler!
Just play your media and Jaksta downloads any video music or radio that is played in your browser.
The fastest HTTP Streaming Media Recorder
Jaksta can download from supported HTTP sites at up to 10x normal download speeds depending upon your network connection and the capacity of the servers streaming the media.
Automatic conversions :
Select the format you wish to convert your videos and music into from the main screen. Once a video or audio file is downloaded it gets converted for you automatically. You can save to AVI MPEG-4 WMV. MP3 or formats specific to iPhone iPad Apple TV and many other devices.
Finding music video and radio streams has never been easier!
With a single click search thousands of video music and online radio sites to find the streams you are looking for and then download and convert them.
Jaksta is browser independent
Jaksta works great with Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Opera or any other browser and does not slow down your connection speed.Jaksta is The Best Supported Downloader!
Anime Studio Pro v8.0 build 2019 + Crack
Anime Studio Pro is the efficient alternative to time-consuming, frame-by-frame animation. Ideal for content creators, Anime Studio is equipped with the powerful features you need to produce film, video and online media.
Complete your creative arsenal today with this essential application. Make characters, objects and scenes using powerful vector-based drawing tools. Import your scanned drawings and images, including layered Photoshop files.
Speed up production by automatically converting existing artwork and sketches to fully editable vector drawings. Design fully rigged characters with multiple views, walk cycles, expressions and more.
Access dozens of predesigned components or add your own creations and reusable actions. Imported media files edited in their native applications are automatically recognized and updated within Anime Studio.
Features :
* NEW! Automatic Image Tracing converts your artwork to fully editable, ready-to-animate vector drawings.
* NEW! When imported images, movies and audio files are edited in external programs (includinglayered Photoshop files), they automatically update within the application.
* NEW! Character Wizard automates the creation of fully-rigged characters complete with walk cycles, expressions and more.
* NEW! Easily change the overall design and render styles of your animations.
* NEW! Additional 3D video rendering options with full support for YouTube 3D formats.
* NEW! Use patch layers to create masks for overlapping layer elements.
* NEW! Modified interface options.
* NEW! Advanced scripting support.
Complete your creative arsenal today with this essential application. Make characters, objects and scenes using powerful vector-based drawing tools. Import your scanned drawings and images, including layered Photoshop files.
Speed up production by automatically converting existing artwork and sketches to fully editable vector drawings. Design fully rigged characters with multiple views, walk cycles, expressions and more.
Access dozens of predesigned components or add your own creations and reusable actions. Imported media files edited in their native applications are automatically recognized and updated within Anime Studio.
Features :
* NEW! Automatic Image Tracing converts your artwork to fully editable, ready-to-animate vector drawings.
* NEW! When imported images, movies and audio files are edited in external programs (includinglayered Photoshop files), they automatically update within the application.
* NEW! Character Wizard automates the creation of fully-rigged characters complete with walk cycles, expressions and more.
* NEW! Easily change the overall design and render styles of your animations.
* NEW! Additional 3D video rendering options with full support for YouTube 3D formats.
* NEW! Use patch layers to create masks for overlapping layer elements.
* NEW! Modified interface options.
* NEW! Advanced scripting support.
Mozilla Firefox 10.0
The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.
User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.
Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.
Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.
Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.
User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.
Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.
Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.
Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.
Jumat, 09 Maret 2012
Winamp Pro 5.622 Build 3188
Nullsoft Winamp Pro is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity media player for Windows. Winamp supports playback of many audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) and video types (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), custom appearances called skins (supporting both classic Winamp 1.x/2.x skins and Winamp 3 freeform skins), audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins (including two industry dominating visualization plug-ins), an advanced media library, Internet radio and TV support, CD ripping, and CD burning.
Winamp Highlights :
• New portable device features - transcoding, new sync options, USB thumbdrive player support, video sync, direct-from-device playback
• Faster ripping
• Improved AAC and aacPlus encoding
• Unicode metadata, filename, and title support
• iTunes-compatible gapless playback (MP3/M4A) and encoding (M4A)
• Optional 24bit playback
• ReplayGain support
Winamp Highlights :
• New portable device features - transcoding, new sync options, USB thumbdrive player support, video sync, direct-from-device playback
• Faster ripping
• Improved AAC and aacPlus encoding
• Unicode metadata, filename, and title support
• iTunes-compatible gapless playback (MP3/M4A) and encoding (M4A)
• Optional 24bit playback
• ReplayGain support
DFX Audio Enhancer 10.110
DFX Audio Enhancer 10.110 | 2.93 Mb
DFX Audio Enhancer enhance your music experience by improving the sound quality of MP3, Windows Media, Internet radio and other music files. With DFX you can transform the sound of your PC into a stereo system designed for expensive musical environment. Refresh the depth of tone, improve your audio levels and gamma deep, rich bass sound.
Antares Avox and Auto-Tune Evo Pack 12 2011
Antares Avox and Auto-Tune Evo Pack 12 2011 | 82.76 Mb
The next-generation worldwide standard in professional pitch correction. Easy to use, fastest and high quality in Correcting Pitch.
Touted as "the holy grail of recording," by Recording magazine (and adopted worldwide as a plug-in the largest-selling audio of all time), Auto-Tune corrects intonation problems in vocals or solo instruments, in real time, without distortion or artifacts, while preserving all the expressive nuances of the original performance with audio quality so it is more pure.
Touted as "the holy grail of recording," by Recording magazine (and adopted worldwide as a plug-in the largest-selling audio of all time), Auto-Tune corrects intonation problems in vocals or solo instruments, in real time, without distortion or artifacts, while preserving all the expressive nuances of the original performance with audio quality so it is more pure.
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